Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Biography

Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV(1)), and FEV(1)/FVC ratios were determined for 531 individuals of Han Chinese descent living at low altitude (250 m) near Beijing and for 592 individuals of Han descent who were born and raised at three high altitudes (3,200 m, 3,800 m, 4,300 m) in Qinghai Province, P.R.C. The study included males and females, ages 6-51 years. Thorax widths, depths, and circumferences of Han females and males born and raised at high altitude are similar to those of low-altitude Han. On the other hand, high-altitude children and adolescents have larger relative sitting heights, indicating greater thorax lengths. After adjusting for this variation in morphology, mean FVC values among 6-21 year-old Han at high altitude are only between 136 mL (for females) and 173 ml (for males) greater than those determined at low altitude but the differences are statistically significant and are maintained consistently throughout the growth period. These data indicate that growth at high altitude produces small-to-moderate increases in lung volumes (about 6%) relative to genetically similar groups growing up at low altitude. In addition, there is no evidence that lung volume growth is accelerated relative to morphological growth among Han children born and raised at high altitude. Adults, 22-51 years, also show greater FVC values at high altitude but the size of the increase relative to Han at low altitude is variable (3% in males and 11% in females). Greater lung function at high altitude is unlikely to result from increased activity or lower pollution, and thus appears to be primarily a result of development in a hypoxic environment. Differences in FVC and FEV(1) at 3,200 m, 3,800 m, and 4,300 m are generally not significant, so that living at altitudes between 3,200 m and 4,300 m appears to have little additional effect on volumetric growth.
Measure your Tidal volume and Vital capacity. While resting the volume of air displaced between inspiration and expiration is called tidal volume. Vital capacity however is the maximum amount of air that a person can expel from the lungs after first filling the lungs to their maximum capacity. Hypothesis: A bigger car needs a bigger gas tank to support its weight and size. It's as simple as that. The human lungs are the organs of respiration in humans. The larger you are, the more cells you carry, and therefore you will need higher lung capacity to support more oxygen into your blood stream. As we have learned, living organisms must have biological growth and development.
Therfore, our hypothesis states that the larger a person is the higher lung capacity that person will have due to growth and development. In order to determine the tidal volume that each individual in the group used, we must first understand what tidal volume is. Tidal volume is the amount of air that you move in and out of your lungs while breathing normally. In order to determine this we first had to stretch and pull our balloons to insure that our readings would be accurate. Next each person took a normal breath in, and blew a normal breath out, into the balloon. In order to determine our tidal volume we measured how tall the balloon was using a ruler, in centimeters. We placed a ruler on top of the balloon to line up with the other ruler in order to be as accurate as we could. We then used a lung volume graph in order to transfer our measurements into cubic units of lung volume. This was then recorded and performed again three more times, and an average was found of the data. These steps were repeated to find Vital Capacity, except this time, instead of breathing normally, a large breath was taken and we exhaled forcefully. We then recorded the data, and converted it into cubic units. Lastly, We found each person’s estimated Vital Capacity by measuring their height in centimeters, measuring their mass in kilograms, and finding the surface area by using an online surface area calculator. This information was than multiplied by either 2000 if one is a girl, or 2500 if one is a boy. This finally gave us our Vital Capacity.

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Function Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

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