Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Biography

Large-cell lung carcinoma (LCLC) is a heterogeneous group of undifferentiated malignant neoplasms originating from transformed epithelial cells in the lung. In most series, LCLC's comprise between 5% and 10% of all lung cancers. According to the Nurses' Health Study, the risk of large cell lung carcinoma increases with a previous history of tobacco smoking, with a previous smoking duration of 30 to 40 years giving a relative risk of approximately 2.3 compared to never-smokers, and a duration of more than 40 years giving a relative risk of approximately 3.6. Another study concluded that cigarette smoking is the predominant cause of large cell lung cancer. It estimated that the odds ratio associated with smoking two or more packs/day for current smokers is 37.0 in men and 72.9 in women. 
LCLC is, in effect, a "diagnosis of exclusion", in that the tumor cells lack light microscopic characteristics that would classify the neoplasm as a small-cell carcinoma, squamous-cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, or other more specific histologic type of lung cancer. LCLC is differentiated from small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) primarily by the larger size of the anaplastic cells, a higher cytoplasmic-to-nuclear size ratio, and a lack of "salt-and-pepper" chromatin. The alveoli are located in the respiratory zone of the lungs, at the distal termination of the alveolar ducts and atria. These air sacs are the forming and termination point of the respiratory tract. They provide total surface area of about 100 m2.  A typical pair of human lungs contain about 700 million alveoli, producing 70m2 of surface area. Each alveolus is wrapped in a fine mesh of capillaries covering about 70% of its area. An adult alveolus has an average diameter of 200 micrometres, with an increase in diameter during inhalation.  The alveoli consist of an epithelial layer and extracellular matrix surrounded by capillaries. In some alveolar walls there are pores between alveoli called Pores of Kohn. The alveoli contain some collagen and elastic fibres. The elastic fibers allow the alveoli to stretch as they are filled with air during inhalation. They then spring back during exhalation in order to expel the carbon dioxide-rich air. Reinflation of the alveoli following exhalation is made easier by pulmonary surfactant, which is a phospholipid and protein mixture that reduces surface tension in the thin fluid coating within all alveoli. The fluid coating is produced lung carcinoma (SCLC) primarily by the larger size of the anaplastic cells, a higher cytoplasmic-to-nuclear size ratio, and a lack of "salt-and-pepper" chromatin. The alveoli are located in the respiratory zone of the lungs, at the distal termination of the alveolar ducts and atria. These air sacs are the forming and termination point of the respiratory tract. They provide total surface area of about 100 m2.  A typical pair of human lungs contain about 700 million alveoli, producing 70m2 of surface area. Each alveolus is wrapped in a fine mesh of capillaries covering about 70% of its area. An adult alveolus has an average diameter of 200 micrometres, with an increase in diameter during inhalation.  The alveoli consist of an epithelial layer and extracellular matrix surrounded by capillaries. In some alveolar walls there are pores between alveoli called Pores of Kohn. The alveoli contain some collagen and elastic fibres. The elastic fibers allow the alveoli to stretch as they are filled with air during inhalation. They then spring back during exhalation in order to expel the carbon dioxide-rich air. Reinflation of the alveoli following exhalation is made easier by the body in order to facilitate the transfer of gases between blood and alveolar air. The surfactant is produced by great alveolar cells (granular pneumonocytes, a cuboidal epithelia), which are the most numerous cells in the alveoli, yet do not cover as much surface area as the squamous alveolar cells (asquamous epithelium). Great alveolar cells also repair the endotheilium of the alveolus when it becomes damaged. Insufficient pulmonary surfactant in the alveoli can contribute to atelectasis (collapse of part or all of the lung). Without pulmonary surfactant, atelectasis is a certainty; however, there are other causes of lung collapse such as trauma (pneumothorax), COPD, and pleuritis. 

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cells Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

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