Thursday, 20 March 2014

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Biography

The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke, which causes 80–90% of lung cancers. Nonsmokers account for 10–15% of lung cancer cases,  and these cases are often attributed to a combination of genetic factors, and exposure to; radon gas, asbestos, and air pollution including second-hand smoke. Lung cancer may be seen on chest radiographs and computed tomography(CT) scans. The diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy which is usually performed bybronchoscopy or CT-guidance. Treatment and long-term outcomes depend on the type of cancer, the stage (degree of spread), and the person's overall health, measured byperformance status. Common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. NSCLC is sometimes treated with surgery, whereas SCLC usually responds better to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Overall, 15% of people in the United States diagnosed with lung cancersurvive five years after the diagnosis. Outcomes are worse in the developing world. Worldwide, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death in men and women, and is responsible for 1.38 million deaths annually, as of 2008.
Smoking, particularly of cigarettes, is by far the main contributor to lung cancer. Cigarette smoke contains over 60 known carcinogens, including radioisotopes from the radon decay sequence, nitrosamine, and benzopyrene. Additionally, nicotine appears to depress the immune response to cancerous growths in exposed tissue. Across the developed world, 90% of lung cancer deaths in men during the year 2000 were attributed to smoking (70% for women). Smoking accounts for 80–90% of lung cancer cases. Passive smoking—the inhalation of smoke from another's smoking—is a cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. A passive smoker can be classified as someone living or working with a smoker. Studies from the US, Europe, the UK, and Australia have consistently shown a significantly increased risk among those exposed to passive smoke. Those who live with someone who smokes have a 20–30% increase in risk while those who work in an environment with second hand smoke have a 16–19% increase in risk. Investigations of sidestream smoke suggest it is more dangerous than direct smoke. Passive smoking causes about 3,400 deaths from lung cancer each year in the USA.
Radon is a colorless and odorless Europe, the UK, and Australia have consistently shown a significantly increased risk among those exposed to passive smoke. Those who live with someone who smokes have a 20–30% increase in risk while those who work in an environment with second hand smoke have a 16–19% increase in risk. Investigations of sidestream smoke suggest it is more dangerous than direct smoke. Passive smoking causes about 3,400 deaths from lung cancer each year in the USA. Radon is a colorless and odorless gas generated by the breakdown of radioactive radium, which in turn is the decay product of uranium, found in the Earth's crust. The radiation decay products ionize genetic material, causing mutations that sometimes turn cancerous. Radon is the second-most common cause of lung cancer in the USA, after smoking. The risk increases 8–16% for every 100 Bq/m³ increase in the radon concentration. Radon gas levels vary by locality and the composition of the underlying soil and rocks. For example, in areas such as Cornwall in the UK (which has granite as substrata), gas generated by the breakdown of radioactive radium, which in turn is the decay product of uranium, found in the Earth's crust. The radiation decay products ionize genetic material, causing mutations that sometimes turn cancerous. Radon is the second-most common cause of lung cancer in the USA, after smoking. The risk increases 8–16% for every 100 Bq/m³ increase in the radon concentration. Radon gas levels vary by locality and the composition of the underlying soil and rocks. For example, in areas such as Cornwall in the UK (which has granite as substrata), radon gas is a major problem, and buildings have to be force-ventilated with fans to lower radon gas concentrations. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates one in 15 homes in the US has radon levels above the recommended guideline of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/l) (148 Bq/m³).

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

Lung Cancer Lungs Diagram of a Smoker after Smoking Cancer Anatomy And Heart Drawing Images AFter Smoking Wee of a Weed Smoker

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